B2B Brand Global Marketing Expert
Privacy Policy
We take your privacy very seriously and are committed to protecting your personal information.In this privacy policy, we explain what information we collect and how we use, process and protect it.
Information collected
We may collect the following types of lead information: Contact information: such as name, email address, phone number, etc., in order to contact you or respond to your inquiry.
Information usage
The purposes for which we collect clues include but are not limited to the following situations: Providing services: to handle your inquiries, provide products or services, send notifications, etc.
Improve service
Improve our products and services by analyzing the data collected to better meet user needs.Marketing and Promotion: With your consent, we may use your contact information to send you marketing or promotional materials.
To comply with applicable laws, regulations, court orders or other legal process requirements.
Information sharing
We do not sell, rent or otherwise sell your lead information to third parties.However, we may share your information with the following types of third parties:
service provider
Third parties we work with to provide our services, but they have access to your information only if we ask or authorize them.
statutory requirements