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VI Application System Design
VI application system design mainly applies the elements and concepts in the basic design system to various actual scenarios to achieve the unification and communication of the brand image.This involves all aspects within the enterprise as well as external marketing, including but not limited to the following aspects:
1. Office environment and display system: This includes the decoration design in the office, such as the decoration and layout of conference rooms, lounges, sales halls, etc., as well as the company’s external environment signs, public signs, signs, advertising boards, flags, etc. the design of.In addition, product exhibition displays, shelf displays, window displays, etc. are also important components of the display system.
2. Clothing and apparel systems: including uniforms, cultural shirts, work caps, etc. for company employees, as well as uniform designs for managers or special positions.The clothing should reflect the company's image and culture, while also taking into account practicality and comfort.
3. Traffic and transportation system: This involves the appearance design of various means of transportation used by enterprises, such as buses, trucks, tool trucks, cars, vans, etc.The exterior design of these vehicles should be consistent with the company's brand image.
4. Media promotion system: including the design of street sign advertisements, magazine advertisements, television advertisements, online advertisements, etc.These advertising forms are an important means for enterprises to carry out market promotion, and their design style and content should be able to accurately convey the enterprise's brand image and philosophy.
5. Product packaging system: It mainly involves the packaging design of enterprise products, including glass container packaging, paper bag packaging, plastic packaging, metal packaging, etc. Product packaging is the first impression that consumers get when they come into contact with the product, so its design should be attractive and Recognizability.
6. Official business and gift system: including the design of various official supplies, such as letter paper, business cards, folders, etc., as well as the design of gifts given by enterprises to customers or partners, such as lighters, key tags, umbrellas, commemorative medals, etc.The design and quality of these items reflect the company's image and taste.
When designing a VI application system, designers need to fully understand the company's brand image and philosophy, while taking into account the needs and limitations of actual application scenarios.By cleverly applying elements and concepts from the basic design system, designers can create an application system design that is both consistent with the corporate image and practical.